Life and Strength
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We will answer some disturbing questions about nutrition, health and exercises
What makes you feel alive and strong? Is it a brisk walk on a cool morning? A weight lifting session while the sun rises? Good nutrition? Maybe the strength for you is having money, being physically well and healthy.
Good nutrition involves eating a variety of foods, limiting certain junk foods and drinks, and controlling the amount of food and calories you eat. A balanced diet helps reduce cardiovascular risk because it reduces cholesterol, blood pressure and weight. But unfortunately nutrition is not enough, we need to reinforce the replacement of nutrients by other means so that the body is able to resist attacks by pathogenic germs that are harmful to human health, in addition to environmental pollution that affects the entire planet and its surroundings. ecosystems and resources and also food
There are always numerous articles about food and nutrition in the news. Many of these items make it difficult to know what to eat or not to eat. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), there is no single recommended diet. Instead, the AHA has established a set of guidelines that take into account that people need a variety of foods and that some have specific health problems that make it necessary to limit their consumption of certain foods.
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